Thursday 16 December 2010

Mise en Scene Vocabulary

Mise en Scene

Mise en scene – a French term, which literally means ‘put into the frame’. When analysing a sequence the term refers to everything you see in the frame:
props, eg in a police drama this could mean a gun or a badge, also can mean iconography 
costume, the colour and style of the actor/subject can have important connotations and denotations about their character, role within narrative, etc.
lighting, the harshness or softness of light has differing effects on representing the mood of a scene.
colour, if you've studied psychology then you'll understand what each colour signifies.  The colours used in popular brandings are significant in determing their identifiability, ie 'the golden arches' but also says a lot about a person or company's ideology.

Makeup - we're not just talking about a bit of slap here, this can refer to masks, prosthetics and special effects.
Other important terms used in analysis of TV/Film:

Artificial Light – A source of light created by lighting equipment, rather than from natural sources.

Convention – a frequently used element which becomes standard.

Disequilibrium – the period of instability and insecurity in a film’s narrative.

Enigma – the question or mystery that is posed within a film’s narrative.

Equilibrium – a state of peace and calm, which often exists at the beginning of a film’s narrative.

Framing – the selection of elements such as characters, setting and iconography that appear within a shot.

Genre – a system of film identification, in which films that have the same elements are grouped together.

Iconography – the objects within a film that are used to evoke particular meanings
Intertextuality – reference within a film to another film, media product, work of literature or piece of artwork.

Mise en scene – a French term, which literally means ‘put into the frame’. When analysing a sequence the term refers to everything you see in the frame (props, costume, lighting, colour, makeup etc.)

Narrative – a story that is created in a constructed format (eg. A programme) that describes a series of fictional or non-fictional events.

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